Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Conversations with a 2 year old

Tonight we went to Cade's
baseball game.

Normally as soon as she becomes a little bored walking the bleachers, Gracyn asks to go and visit the playground!

Tonight was no exception...
she asked to go play about 20 minutes before the game was over so I walked her over to the playground and this is the conversation that ensued.

She met a little blonde haired, blue eyed boy while playing the slides. 
At first they had races down the slide to see who could go the fastest. 
Then they started racing back up the slides to the top! 

After playing silently for a few minutes the little boy {who couldn't have been over 3 years old} finally broke the silence...

Little boy - "What is your name?"

Gracie - "Gracyn"

Little boy - "Mason?"

Gracie - "No, I said GRA-cyn"

Little boy - "oh GRA-cyn"

Little boy - "what's your phone number?"

Gracyn - "i don't have a phone number!"

Little boy - "oh...okay...well mine is 1,2,3
if you ever want to call me."

I about fell off the side of the railroad ties when he asked for her digits...
but Gracyn in true form put the smack down on that action.

Gracyn you are such a hoot and full of spunky spirit!!!!!



  1. oh MY goodness! it's starting already! way to go gracyn - you tell him!

  2. Oh how cute! I can just hear her saying it right now with that cute little frown on her face!

  3. That is perfect!! She is ready to bat those boys away.

  4. Gracie you are such a cute and funny girl!!
    Love you! Nani
