Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It's Not About Me...or You.

I heard something last week that brought me back from the desert of non-blogging!

It is rare that I hear a celebrity say something that I think bears repeating much less agree with, but in a Max Lucado book entitled
It's Not About Me,
former NBA star David Robinson penned a poignant foreword.

I would like to share it with you...

"NBA championship teams have something
in common:
they play with one goal in mind. 
Each player contributes his own gifts and efforts so that the greater goal - winning -can be reached.  But players who
seek their own glory at the sacrifice of the team's glory drive the team away from success. 
So it is with life.
The goal is not our own glory. 
In fact trying to make life "all about us"
pushes happiness further out of reach.

Our society is not wired for this kind of thinking.  It's a "me-centric world out there,
which destroys much of what should be good.  Marriages are ruined because one or both partners are focused on their own happiness.  Successful men and women are ruined by their own success, believing they don't need anyone else's input. 
And for some, life's troubles are magnified because they believe life is all about them.

The Bible is full of men and women who struggled with "me-centric" thinking, so
our generation is not alone.  If we would learn from them, we could live in freedom.
We would be able to enjoy our successes without taking the credit, like Kind David.
We could bear up under troubles with confidence in God, like Job.  By letting go of
our own agendas and timetables, as Moses finally did, we would discover that God's
plans are mind-blowing!  In the end, a
"God-centric" lifestyle would free us to live life to the fullest.

May God free us all from "me-centric" living. 
All the glory is His!"

Thanks Mr. Robinson for not being ashamed to proclaim the gospel...
for it is truly, the only thing that sets us free.


  1. So TRUE!!! Our life should never be about "ME". We are here to serve others like Christ did his entire life!
    Thanks Beck for reminding me of this!!!
